Friday, August 7, 2009

On Behalf of Retarded Dictators Everywhere: CONGRATULATIONS ACHMADINEJAD

Dear Achmadinejad,

Since you have effectively cut yourself off from the rest of the world to the point that even the most corrupt, evil and stupid dictator won’t acknowledge your reelection, I will publicly speak on their behalf.

I know you said that you aren’t looking for international approval, but we all know that you’re just as concerned with your popularity as any other world “leader” out there.

What with all those investigations against you, and the lack of public love from your butt buddy Khomeini lately, you’ve got to be looking internationally for at least a little support.

So, since you and I are both openly gay totalitarian dictators of our own personal countries with populations with tons of talent, no money, tons of potential to make the world a better place, and a government that is totally inept, corrupt, and retarted; I’m going to say Congratulations.

But, now that it has become public knowledge that you and Khomeini have a romantic relationship, (you can see the video here, and that’s the only reason he would approve of a self-acknowledged Down syndrome sufferer such as yourself, I have a question: Is this a common relationship between all the mullahs and the executive branch of the Iranian government?

I’m just asking because you people are in charge of the second largest oil reserves on the planet, and still manage to have a 40% unemployment rate. The only reason I can think of to explain that kind of dysfunctional governing is that you all have these closeted sexual feelings for each other. I mean, this is cronyism at its worst.

If that is the case, might I suggest that you just come out and publicly admit that you’re all closeted homosexuals? That way the Mullahs and the Ayatollahs that must submit approval for members of the executive branch can elect people that actually know what they’re doing, and still receive sexual gratification.

During your campaign, you ran under a platform of change. What can be a better way to implement change than to admit that there are gay people in your country? And that the government itself is gay. If you can get past that little social faux pas, you guys can get some economists in there to actually help your economy. It seems like a no brainer to me.

Write me back if you want any more advice,

Mohammad Ian Idi Amin al-Allah Akbar

President for Life, PM, DM, HIC, Ayatollah
Democratic Peoples Islamic Republic of Allahackbaristan

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