Sunday, August 2, 2009

About the Author

About the Author: People tend to email me asking how the hell I ended up being a freelance writer and political commentator (or something to that effect).

The only answer that I can give you is that I used to follow the advice of Herman Hesse in “Damien” which was to find your “vocation” and roll with it. That is, no matter what it is, do what you’re good at. Well that may be fine for some people, but for me, I’ve gotta do what I love. I may have a bit more of a knack for psychology and music, but that’s not what I love (well, actually I do love those things, just not as much as bitching about politics, warlords and dictators. And I do tend to dwell in the realm of political and social psychology anyway).

I just wish I had figured this out before college, not after.

So the only unsolicited advice I’ll give about that is to read “Damien”, but don’t take the message of the book too much to heart. Because Herman Hesse did what he was good at, and while he’s helped a lot of people and has helped to inspire much social change in the western world, he was totally and utterly miserable.

That, and I’m pretty damn good at this anyway. So go screw yourself traditional society. If you don’t do what you love, you’ll never be a truly happy or successful entrepreneur if you just go with the talent, and forget the passion. The rest of you can generate money at UPS or the stock market or stripping or killing or whatever; but I’m generating my money doing this.

That and if you do want to be a writer, prepare to spend a hell of a lot of time at it, at least the research part. That and be wary of Pandora radio, lest you find yourself checking to see who is playing every five minutes, interrupting the “zone”.

Also, I cannot stress enough how important it is to have faith in yourself. If you have a good idea, or even a bad idea, if you have the faith, others will follow. America didn’t become a 14 trillion dollar economy because we are pussies, we became a 14 trillion dollar economy because we are innovative, and we are great at letting everybody else know it. And hell, half of our ideas, services and products suck, we just tell everyone they’re great, and they buy it.

And if any news organizations feel like flying me out to cover next years African Union or Arab League summits (or really any foreign policy conference of your choosing), I’ll have my Arabic down by then, and I can and often do refrain from goofy penis jokes. But I’m not gonna stop picking on Timothy Geithner, understanding him is like understanding the nature of Satan himself.

And for those of you who enjoy my special brand of fearless political commentary and want to keep enjoying it, please consider a huge donation. The internet is free but I’m not. Remember, the more you give the more I write, and you can’t live without me.

Also, if you’ve decided to make your living hosting a hundred or so blogs, and aren’t paying others for their articles or what not, you’re probably contributing to the noise, disinformation, plagiarism and general retardation that has become the internet that we all have come to know and love. You people know who you are and my bullshit meter is set to “fuck you.”

The Diplomaniac!

Raising the Bar on our Bullshit Meter Since 2009

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